To see a world where older people can flourish, where their lives can be enriched and where later life can be as positive as possible.
To see a world where everyone in later life:
has a decent income
can feel well and enjoy life as much as possible
can access high quality health and care services
feels comfortable, safe and secure at home
feels valued by their local community with opportunities to join in, volunteer, learn or work
as a citizen with rights, has their voice heard and can influence decisions that affect them
Helping 82 year old Audery with financial and health issues
Audrey is an eighty two year old widow who shares a bungalow with a relative. She has several health problems that greatly affect her life: severe arthritis, a very painful back due to a suppressed spinal cord, asthma and heart problems that have been going on for over 20 years. Audrey has been struggling with her mobility as it had been too painful for her to walk, and with her vision, as she couldn’t afford a new pair of glasses. Audrey wasn’t in receipt of any disability benefits and was making do with her and her deceased husbands pension
Audrey has a home visit to discus her problems. Audrey was advised about Attendance Allowance (AA), and helped to complete lengthy forms and submit an application for the higher rate of AA due to her health issues. Audrey was awarded the higher rate of AA, with a further £83.10 to her weekly income and a substantial back payment for arrears. This additional income will mean that Audrey
could finally get her eye sighted re-tested and get a new pair of glasses
can easily take taxis now and it has made her more mobile.
now feels more independent and that she is well looked after.
can take a taxi to all of her hospital appointments now without having to worry about walking to the bus stop. This makes sure her back problems aren’t aggravated and her asthma stays under control too.
Audrey was also given the contact details for SGC-Adult Care she could approach them for help with any aids or adaptations that might be needed to the house. She also has the Age UK office telephone number and can call us for any information or advice on a range of issues.
Rachel helped with health complications
Rachel was referred by her GP to the Personalised Integrated Care (PIC) Service due to complications around her continence, Parkinson’s Disease, osteoarthritis, depression and anxiety.
Rachel’s continence issues had affected her mental health as she became very anxious to leave the house and gave up driving, in case she was unable to find a toilet. This led her to becoming isolated and compounded her feelings of depression. Following her development of Parkinson’s Disease and osteoarthritis, she also had limited arm movements, further reducing her movements and ability to leave the house.
Rachel was visited by an Integrated Care Practitioner to help her identify health and finance goals to work towards.
The Practitioner helped fast track Rachel accessing further help and support, spoke to other healthcare professionals on her behalf, referred her to a care organisation and to the Sirona continence service. The Practitioner also helped Rachel map the toilets available in the areas she wanted to go to and sourced some double incontinence pads: this dramatically improved the anxiety and depression that Rachel had been experiencing. She started going out again and using her car again, so she could rekindle being part of the local church group.
Rachel was also referred to the Age UK South Gloucestershire’s benefits advice service and a local advice agency for help with her financial problems.
“One of the most important things about this service for me being able to talk to someone about my problems without any embarrassment,” says Rachel
Website: www.ageuksouthglos.org.uk
Phone: 01454 411707
email: info@ageuksouthglos.org.uk
Social Value Contact:
Mark Flower
email: ceo@ageuksouthglos.org.uk