To help young people reach their potential, unlock their skills, their confidence, to find and use their voices so that they enter adulthood with the ability to change their own world for the better.
To provide youth programs and one-to-one work and opportunities for creative expression through ambitious arts programs.
Build relationships with young people based on trust and their own unique needs
Providing creative opportunities to young people
Helping young people find careers in the creative industries
Provide access to alternative education, training and employment for those disengaged with the traditional system
Job Coaching
(please note that names have been changed)
Emily (17) was at a difficult time in her life when she was referred to Creative Youth Network. She comes from a third generation unemployed family, has experienced abuse, has a criminal record and at the time was in a very unhealthy relationship and was in danger of becoming homeless any day. We could see that Emily really wanted to change her circumstances. We referred her to specialist partners in housing and counselling and managed to help her get a birth certificate and driving licence.
When Emily started to be in a position where she could successfully seek employment we worked together setting achievable career goals. We helped her with a CV at a weekly job coaching session and supported her writing job applications. Emily was very successful, securing three work placements. Her job coach was there every step of the way, helping her prepare for the interviews and providing some financial support for interview clothes.
After getting excellent references, Emily secured a work trial which led to a job in customer service. Six months later Emily is still in employment and our service continues, through in-work support. “My new life starts today. Thank you so much, Creative Youth Network” – Emily on her first day at work.
Watch this video for more information about this service.
Karen (15) was referred to Creative Youth Network by team of social workers at Welsman as she was struggling and engaging in risky sexual behaviour. We started working on a plan for her one to one work, which included a visit to the Brook sexual health clinic based at The Station. She also started attending group sessions in our Hillfields Youth Club and completed a four-week course on healthy lifestyle choices.
“I am much happier with my life and having a one to one worker. It’s really great to talk to someone outside my family who listens to me. She’s helped me to be confident and to make new friends. I really enjoy project night and am now going to volunteer as well. I’ve even started playing basketball which I never did before.“ Karen (15)
Our close relationship with social workers is key to engaging with young people who are at a difficult point in their lives. Working in partnership enables us to reach as many young people as possible and change their lives for the better.
“Creative Youth Network has been incredibly supportive to Karen during this recent difficult time. There’s no doubt it’s helped her manage and settle down in her care home. The youth worker has built such a positive relationship with her, showing dedication and commitment. She’s gone above and beyond to ensure that Karen was kept safe. Without this level of work, I’m sure the outcomes for Karen would be so different from what they are today.” Ann, Social Worker.
www.creativeyouthnetwork.org.uk tel. 0117 947 7948 email. info@creativeyouthnetwork.org.uk
Social Value Contact: Deborah Gee, Finance Director tel; 0117 3030076 email; deborah.gee@creativeyouthnetwork.org.uk