Friends of Kingswood Park
To improve and present Kingswood Park and the surrounding area so residents and visitors a place to be proud of. Through Kingswood Park and through interventions in the Town Centre we will build a community in which residents and visitors feel safe and confident in their neighbourhood.
To improve the health of our poorest communities at a faster rate than average to reduce the gap in health inequality.
For the residents of South Gloucestershire to enjoy the best possible physical and mental health.
To have healthy communities that are leading healthy lifestyles
To have vibrant, thriving and accessible high streets, towns and district centres
To have access to natural, built and historic environments, open spaces, parks and countryside.
To have communities with low levels of crime.
To have strong, resilient, cohesive communities.
To have a voluntary and community sector which contributes to local communities by stimulating the sector and strengthening resilience and robustness
The Family Fun Day is a traditional event in Kingswood Park formerly organised by South Gloucestershire Council. The Council have withdrawn from this event and now the Friends of Kingswood Park to organize these events.
This year The Big Lottery and ASDA were very generous. This allowed us to purchase more event equipment and put on top quality, free, live entertainment. We also included workshops, sports activities, a fun fair, demonstrations, stalls and refreshments. We also made sure that there were plenty of free activities for children. The weather was very kind to us this year so everyone had a great time.
We also extended the event out into the community by putting on entertainment in two venues outside the park. The good weather kept most people in the park but the other venues had some interest.
This short video shows how well the event was organised and how it was received by the community:
In 2017 Friends of Kingswood Park joined forces with the Kingswood Business Association in their Springswood project to make a difference to the tired surroundings in Kingswood Town Centre and worked hard to reclaim neglected plant beds in prominent locations.
The work in the Town Centre has been entered for assessment to the Royal Horticultural Society with a long-term aspiration for a Britain in Bloom award! Residents and businesses appreciate the difference our work has made to their visits to the town centre.
More ‘greening’ to come!
This video shows some of our volunteers working in Park Road this autumn.
www.facebook.com/ourkingswoodpark tel. 07790 234087 email. friendsofkingswoodpark@gmail.com