The objects of the Company are to carry on activities which benefit the community and local environment in particular (without limitation) to:
Promote and demonstrate the importance of outdoor experiences, learning and play in improving outcomes for the local environment and local community.
Provide professional, specialist advice and support to those working with the local community in order to enable high quality outdoor experiences, learning and play to take place.
Work directly with the local community through schools, early year’s settings and other appropriate groups in order to facilitate high quality outdoor experiences, learning and play.
Enable connections between professionals and appropriate groups to the benefit of the local community and local environment.
People (From South Gloucestershire Council)
To improve the health of our poorest communities at a faster rate than average to reduce the gap in health inequality
For the residents of South Gloucestershire to enjoy the best possible physical and mental health
To ensure parity of esteem between mental and physical health, valuing each equally
To have healthy communities that are leading a healthy lifestyle
To focus on early intervention which prevents problems escalating
To ensure that our children have the best possible start in life
To have all young people well educated and skilled, and prepared for the future
To reduce the attainment gap in schools, associated with lower incomes
Forest School is a child led and child centred way of teaching children. It provides the opportunity for everyone to succeed as the learning is self-directed. They children choose the activities, plan for future sessions and are free to learn in the way that suits them best. While it looks and feels like play to the children, they are learning so many valuable lifelong skills. Around 40% of the children that attend Forest School have additional needs, many of whom have significant difficulties in school and are unable to access any other out of school activities. Here are two examples of the impact we have had.
Charlie, 6, attended Forest School for 6 weeks through a funded project that he accessed through school. He lives with domestic violence and was very guarded and anxious around school. He spent 6 sessions with us in local woodland climbing trees, lighting fires, using tools and engaging with a small group of his peers. After the project ended his school reported a dramatic change in his confidence noted how much happier he seemed. This confidence enabled him to participate in PE, something which he had not been able to do before he came to Forest School.
Zoe is a 9-year-old with ADHD and autism who attends a local resource base. She has been attending Forest School weekly during term time for 18 months. During this time, she has been in the woods developing empathy through contact with animals, greatly enhanced her physical confidence through lots of climbing and developed her social communication. She is now responsible for her own belongings and is kind and supportive of the other children. Mum is so impressed with the impact on her that her little brother joined the group recently and she has referred lots of their friends with SEND children to us.
Website: http://mud-pies.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/173181732739540/?fref=ts
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mudpieexplorers/
Blog: https://forestschoolramblings.wordpress.com/
Social Value Contact: Nickie Corr
Email: nickie@mud-pies.co.uk
Tel: 0117 4015484/ 07753636705