Next Link working with its partners Missing Link and Safe Link
To support survivors of Domestic Abuse be safe and be free of the abuse
To treat people as individuals
We believe in providing high quality personalised support, tailored to survivers needs. Our support packages will provide an appropriate level of flexible support to maximise independence and self-determination.
To challenge commonly held misconceptions about mental ill health
To challenge commonly held myths about domestic abuse
To challenge commonly held assumptions about rape and sexual assault
Equal Opportunity
We will strive to ensure that all survivors are treated with fairness and equity and that the organisation and its services are accessible to all.
We understand how domestic and sexual violence and mental ill health can make survivers feel disempowered and devalued. To challenge this we will ensure that the experience of anyone that we support are heard and that we maximise their participation in the design, delivery and development of our services.
Cultural Diversity
We are committed to ensuring that the Organisation and its services are inclusive and reflect the rich cultural diversity of the community we live in. We understand that women and children from Black and Ethnic Minority communities have to face the extra dimension of discrimination so we will offer culturally sensitive dedicated services. This will encourage women to come forward, seek help and give them a real choice about how they want to be supported.
Quality Children and Young People’s Services
We understand the importance of children and young people having their own individual support. We recognise the value of play as a therapeutic tool in the recovery process and will provide quality play and activities within a safe and stimulating environment. We will engage and help children and young people to express their feelings, build resilience and receive specialist support.
Safe Quality Housing
We are committed to the provision of quality housing services that are responsive, accountable, meet the needs of the women and children that use them and are of a standard that re-enforces their self-esteem.
Partnership Working
We are committed to a holistic approach to our service users’ needs and recognise that our service is a part of a patchwork of services that are required. This holistic approach can only be achieved through collaboration and co-operation with local and national authorities, health, police and voluntary and statutory sectors.
Quality and Efficiency
We have in place systems and procedures that make the best use of the resources available to us. We are committed to providing an effective value for money service while at the same time maintaining quality in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for the women and children that come to us for help.
To offer quality advice and advocacy to enable clients to make informed choices about their lives
e know the many victims suffer in silence because they do not know what options are available to them to live without fear of attack. With our telephone support and face to face advice sessions we will ensure that all legal, civil and support remedies are given to each caller that seeks help.
Campaigning and raising awareness
We are committed to campaigning to stop violence against women and children in all its forms. We will work collaboratively with our partners to promote the issues, highlight the importance of prevention and strive to reduce the impact of gender-based violence. We know that any assessment of women’s mental health must consider the full context of their lives.
Social Value Contact: Jayne Whittlestone, Senior Services Manager email; Jayne.whittlestone@nextlinkhousing.co.uk